My sculptures and installations each have an accompanying book. This book contains photos, drawings, ideas, sketches, stills from the work in progress videos,... . It also contains sample materials of the actual work. ( See "compartment" on below )
In other words : Each book is a "time document" of the artwork itself. At this point the books are "living" inside the sculptures, mostly deeply hidden, sometimes visible. In the near future they will be "surgically" removed for my Time Lapse Project. The accompanying books become an interactive tool and a registration of the different moments in time for each sculpture.
Books: I started from the series of the : "Pantheon der winnaars van de Nobelprijs voor literatuur" 36 parts. Uitgeverij Heideland Hasselt. 1964
Selfies : All the selfies will be added to the sketchbooks at a later point, at the Vernissages / Finissages... ...and the sketchbooks will be added to the sculptures...
It's a constant changing process where the "on the road thing" is more important than the arrival..
These books are my Trojan..
Compartment : Every book has a sealed compartment at the backside. This contains specimens of the sculpture in which the book is hidden. It's a "DNA" sample of each sculpture...